The Art and History of Penmanship & Calligraphy Teacher Manual 4th-12thThe Art and History of Penmanship is designed for students grades fourth through twelfth who want to improve their print handwriting and learn three other artistic forms of penmanship including cursive, italic & gothic calligraphy, and brush lettering. This teacher manual will walk you through each lesson found in the student workbooks for both levels, 4th - 6th grade and 7th - 12th grade. This teacher manual is designed for success! The lesson plans have been formatted with careful thought so that you, the teacher, can guide your students through this elective course with ease. For each lesson you will find a materials list, an overview, letter model charts, and step-by-step lesson plan directions with lots of photos and samples so you can prepare a rich learning experience for your students.
The Art and History of Penmanship & Calligraphy CourseThis is not your typical penmanship curriculum with daily letter drills that students trace and copy, it is this and much, much more. This elective course was designed to show students that writing can be fun, it can be useful, it can be artistic, and it is full of rich and exciting history. In addition to learning four forms of penmanship, history, and art, this curriculum contains scripture verses woven throughout the lessons and projects for a biblical and Christian focus.
There is one teacher manual and two levels of student workbooks, 4-6 grade and 7-12 grade. Each level has two books. Book 1 covers print and cursive and Book 2 covers calligraphy and brush lettering. This is a full year, 180 days, elective course. High school students can earn 1 credit on their transcript if they complete Book 1 and Book 2 or .5 credit if they complete just one of the books for a semester long elective. There is a Penmanship Charts booklet, John Speed Old-World Map, and Educational Websites & Video Links below that you will also need to go along with the student workbooks and teacher manual. The Art and History of Penmanship & Calligraphy: Teacher Manual
Grades 4th-12th, 475 pages, by Deanna Holm This teacher manual covers both levels and has a daily schedule to follow. |
The Art and History of Penmanship & Calligraphy: Book 1 Print and Cursive: Student Text & Workbook Grades 7th-12thStudents will perfect their print handwriting and learn cursive handwriting. The lessons and worksheets in this course have been designed with careful thought so that students can build upon each skill learned as they develop proper penmanship habits. It contains everything your student will need as they work through each lesson. Inside you will find a daily schedule to follow, penmanship worksheets with letter models, letter formation charts, journaling prompts, history lessons, and many fun projects. These projects will reinforce the skills learned, add more practice to perfecting their penmanship skill, and to show them many fun ways to use each penmanship style. |
The Art and History of Penmanship & Calligraphy: Book 1 Print and Cursive Student Text & Workbook
Grades 7th-12th, 333 pages, by Deanna Holm This student workbook contains all the worksheets, text, and projects directions for the print and cursive unit. |
The Art and History of Penmanship & Calligraphy: Book 2 Calligraphy & Brush Lettering: Student Text & Workbook Grades 7th-12thStudents will learn italic calligraphy, gothic calligraphy, and brush lettering. The lessons and worksheets in this course have been designed with careful thought so that students can build upon each skill learned as they develop proper penmanship habits. It contains everything your student will need as they work through each lesson. Inside you will find a daily schedule to follow, penmanship worksheets with letter models, letter formation charts, journaling prompts, history lessons, and many fun projects. These projects will reinforce the skills learned, add more practice to perfecting their penmanship skill, and to show them many fun ways to use each penmanship style. |
The Art and History of Penmanship & Calligraphy: Book 2 Calligraphy & Brush Lettering Student Text & Workbook
Grades 7th-12th, 432 pages, by Deanna Holm This student workbook contains all the worksheets, text, and projects directions for the calligraphy and bush lettering unit. |
The Art and History of Penmanship & Calligraphy: Book 1 Print and Cursive: Student Text & Workbook Grades 4th-6thStudents will perfect their print handwriting and learn cursive handwriting. The lessons and worksheets in this course have been designed with careful thought so that students can build upon each skill learned as they develop proper penmanship habits. It contains everything your student will need as they work through each lesson. Inside you will find a daily schedule to follow, penmanship worksheets with letter models, letter formation charts, journaling prompts, history lessons, and many fun projects. These projects will reinforce the skills learned, add more practice to perfecting their penmanship skill, and to show them many fun ways to use each penmanship style. |
The Art and History of Penmanship & Calligraphy: Book 1 Print and Cursive Student Text & Workbook
Grades 4th-6th, 327 pages, by Deanna Holm This student workbook contains all the worksheets, text, and projects directions for the print and cursive unit. |
The Art and History of Penmanship & Calligraphy: Book 2 Calligraphy & Brush Lettering: Student Text & Workbook Grades 4th-6thStudents will learn italic calligraphy, gothic calligraphy, and brush lettering. The lessons and worksheets in this course have been designed with careful thought so that students can build upon each skill learned as they develop proper penmanship habits. It contains everything your student will need as they work through each lesson. Inside you will find a daily schedule to follow, penmanship worksheets with letter models, letter formation charts, journaling prompts, history lessons, and many fun projects. These projects will reinforce the skills learned, add more practice to perfecting their penmanship skill, and to show them many fun ways to use each penmanship style. |
The Art and History of Penmanship & Calligraphy: Book 2 Calligraphy & Brush Lettering Student Text & Workbook
Grades 4th-6th, 370 pages, by Deanna Holm This student workbook contains all the worksheets, text, and projects directions for the calligraphy and bush lettering unit. |
John Speed Old-World Map 11x17 inchesCreate your own old-world map of the United States that highlights your neighborhood and family using italic calligraphy. This map set goes along with a lessonĀ in The Art and History of Penmanship & Calligraphy Book 2. The directions on how to use this map can be found in lesson109. Measures 11x17 inches. |
John Speed Old-World Map 11x17 inches
Grades 4th-12th, 1 map, by Deanna Holm You will need one map for each student to go along with a lesson in Book2. |
Penmanship Charts For Print, Cursive, Calligraphy, and Brush Lettering Grades 4-12Inside the Penmanship Charts laminated booklet, you will find many helpful charts that your student can use for reference as they work on projects throughout the penmanship course. There are penmanship samples and letter formation charts for all four units, calligraphy and brush lettering guides, a list of card greetings, flourish design ideas, Christmas design ideas, Easter design ideas, and birthday design ideas. |
Penmanship Charts for Print, Cursive, Calligraphy, and Brush Lettering
Grades 4th-12th, 27 laminated pages, by Deanna Holm This is a laminated booklet that is held together with a book ring. You will need one per student or group of students. This booklet can be shared in a homeschool setting. A classroom may want to have a few copies of this available. |
The Art and History of Penmanship & Calligraphy: Educational Websites & Video Links Grades 4-12This PDF download contains all the educational website and video links that are found in the penmanship teacher manual. This handy download can be saved to your desktop so you can open it up and click on the links during your lessons. |
The Art and History of Penmanship & Calligraphy: Educational Websites & Video Links
Grades 4th-12th, 432 pages, by Deanna Holm The teacher manual has many website and video link for extension projects. This download makes it easy to access these links by just opening up this file, finding the lesson your on, and clicking the links. These links open up web pages with extra content or videos to share with your student. |
The Art and History of Penmanship & Calligraphy